Saturday, November 2, 2019
Holiday Inn
33 Washington St
Somerville MA
The stage of Celebrate Tango will be filled with an abundance of colors,
movement, energy, passion and emotions.
The music from the most celebrated Tango masters will bring the story to life
in front of a breathless audience.
In genre-busting choreography and beautiful costumes the all-star cast take us
on a journey through the emotional roller-coaster that is called
Argentine Tango.
Limited tickets available at the door
7:30pm -- cocktails available for purchase at the hotel bar
8:00pm--Performance (doors will be closed once performance stats & it will be standing room only)
9:30pm--dancing with guest DJ and Live music by Maurizio Najt Tango Trio
The cast of the 2019 show includes performers:
Junior Cervila & Guadalupe Garcia
Orlando Reyes & Adriana Salgado
Julian Cataño & Karla Ratavinsky
Guillermo Salvat & Miriam Lea
Eduardo Saucedo
Silvana Brizuela
Jose Rojas, Folklore
Live music by Maurizio Najt Tango Trio
and Roy Caceres, vocals